Monday, January 3, 2022

I have a case of the Mondays

 Hey everyone!

Well, today was eventful. Ontario has been put in "another" lockdown. I saw it coming with the numbers of COVID numbers skyrocketing every day and setting new records for the daily totals. I feel like it has been just a 2-year lockdown because we have not had any resemblance to pre-COVID. 

This sort of put a wrench into my plans. Since I was let go of my last position for "lack of work", I applied to work part-time evenings (as previously mentioned I saw the lockdown coming). I thought Remy would be going back to school in 2 days (ha!), so I was going to get a full-time gig while he was in school and working 60 hours a week. I applied to a couple full-time positions, but now with the schools being delayed for 2 weeks, I am needed at home. Honestly, it is not going to affect my plan for saving $1,000. I want to get Remy his own Chromebook, but for now, the school has one we can borrow (I have been shopping around, and started an account for it).

But, what will put a wrench in my plans is that my alternator is going in my car (at least I think that is the issue, I am not a mechanic). We went grocery shopping today and when we left, my car would not start. Something is draining the energy in the car. My battery is somewhat new, so I do not think that is an issue. Moments like this are where I tell myself- this is what you get for not having an emergency fund or money set aside for repairs. But, I got my paycheque and put my $40 aside for repairs, so I mean that is a win, right?

I have not quite made my month-long meal plan, I am thinking of assigning a theme to my meals daily, but I have not made it that far. My dad has surgery tomorrow, so I am not sure if that will be some downtime to buckle down and get it done. 

The no-spend challenge has been going well this far. I have the bi-annually and yearly chores I need to do that I did not do into my phone as reminders. I am just keeping myself as busy as possible; just researched books I want to read this year, packed my gym bag (which was silly since gyms are closed as of the 7th), spending time with Remy watching Star Wars (he loves it- YAY!). I also did my tarot for the year ahead and my yearly/monthly/weekly reviews in my notebook, adding things to my calendar that needs to be done. 

I have some money freed up since in-person dining is not allowed for Mark and I's champagne brunch date... but I think I will just buy some prosecco and have breakfast delivered. Still a date, just altered.

Lots of love,


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