Monday, January 17, 2022

Adult Snow Day!!

 Hello all,

I hope you had a wonderful and refreshing few days off. 

Not a lot has happened since the last time I wrote.

I am having issues with my car, turns out it was the battery. I had to get a boost, which took my savings, and then had to buy a new battery, setting me back a little bit on my goal to $1,000. 

I still haven't purchased anything on my no-spend challenge. I think this time of year is a bit easier because there is not much to do. It's not like I am driving to the beach, or having drinks on a patio. I am safely nestled in my warm house with my book and I am content with that. I did join a book club and picked up the first book from the library- which I am grateful for because it hasn't been the greatest of books.

Today, there is a huge snowstorm which canceled my work for today. Schools are closed and the buses were canceled. So Remy and I got a snow day today. It has been nice, and Remy wants to go play outside in the snow. I am going to wait for a little bit before bundling us up to go play.

Thanks for stopping by to read about my not-so-interesting life.

Lots of love,


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