Sunday, February 27, 2022

End of the Month

 Hey all,

I hope you had a wonderful February. Spring is just around the corner and I cannot wait. I started my spring cleaning because I have been off all week with Remy who had a cold. I only did the living room, but I have some time off as the clinic is finished. I am going to be an agency nurse for the hospital. This comes with a pay increase, which I calculated that I will be debt-free in about 2.5 years- including my student loans. I just need to buckle down and stay focused. I am planning cash funded month because, everyone, I balled out this month. My budget was busted in every category lol. Whoops. But, while I threw caution to the wind, all my bills were paid.

Well, guys, I added more debt in February with personal loans, unpaid bills from January, a new couch, and the phone cancelation of my ex's phone. My total debt for February was $54, 638.29. That honestly makes me sick to my stomach. But, I am happy to report that starting in March, I will have $51, 942.62. Which meant I paid $2, 695.67 back. All my bills are current. My plan for March is to get under $50,000 and to not add more debt. While I am doing a debt snowball, I am leaving my couch to be paid monthly as there is 0% interest, tackling the things that are collecting interest. Besides, with my debt pay down plan, the couch would be paid off in one month, and it hasn't been delivered yet.

I also filed my taxes this month, and I am getting back a really good tax return. I promised Remy that I would buy him a bunk bed, so he will be getting that. I took Remy to the dentist this month, but he was scared and would not let the hygienist clean his teeth and he has a visible cavity. This meant he is getting referred to a pediatric dentist, and the dentist does not direct bill my insurance company. So I will be putting the rest of my return away for this dentist appointment. After I get the amount back from the insurance company, all of the rest is going towards debt. I am not sure if that will happen in March or April, but those are my intentions.

March is my birthday month, and I am going to be treating myself to some personal care this month. I am getting my hair, mani & pedi, and an outfit. OH! Shampoo and conditioner the hairstylist is going to recommend for my hair. Plus some spending money for the drag brunch I am attending. Just because I am on a debt pay-off journey, I feel like I do not need to deprive myself. Especially since I have been feeling a little down on myself the last little bit. Sure, I could deprive myself and pay off debt faster, but I am not that intense to do that this month. Maybe next month.

Speaking of which, March is a three-pay month for me. This means that I am going to get ahead of my bills by paying my usual monthly amounts on them even though I will have an extra pay.

Go get your goals, I believe in you.

Lots of love, 


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mid-Month Budget Check In

 Hello all,

How's it going over on your end? Mine has been complicated, but that's how breakups are; especially when this person continues to find new ways to be disrespectful and hurtful. But when dealing with a narcissist, it is usually how it goes. I just need to move on and heal. 

I did my mid-month budget check-in, and I definitely blew my fun money, dining out, and grocery budget. It's all about some self-compassion and trying again next month. I am definitely going to go to a cash diet with the exception of groceries as I order those online.

I haven't read my book this month. I am only 50 pages of 300. I just haven't committed to it and it is due back at the library today. I guess I will give it a good old try and submit it late.

I have not been consistent on my goals this month, but all I can do is try and do. I will eventually find my rhythm.

Lots of love,


Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Baggage Is Heavy

 Hey friends,

I figured I would update you about my life. 

Remy is still having some issues with me leaving and not wanting to go to school. I feel guilty that I have caused him to feel insecure now. I am just reassuring him that I will be back. I have an appointment for him to go to counseling to talk to someone since Mark has left. He has not mentioned Mark much since he has been gone, and I just want him to talk it out with someone, even if it is not with me.

Mark and I had argued about how to divide the furniture when he first moved out. He wanted to keep everything and I asked for 3 things. I ended up buying 2 of the items and we agreed to split the furniture. I wanted to disappear when he came on Sunday. I was nervous and stressed. I also did not want to be alone when he came. Luckily, my cousins did stay with me for a little bit. Mark decided to leave everything, which I am shocked and appreciated. I had built my budget to include new furniture. I can say I am grateful and appreciate him, and I do hope he finds some happiness in life and he ends up in a place that he wants.

My budget, well, I blew my budget. Mostly because I was sad and wanted to make myself happier. I know that high is only temporary. But, you do not have to be perfect. It will come out of another category. There is no such thing as a perfect budget. There will be months where you rock it and others where you do not. This is one of my months where I did not rock it. But, because I am reflecting on actions, I know I need to reign it in for the last half of the month. It is all about learning and knowing your triggers.

I finally started to read No Exit by Talor Adams. I did not get very far, but my book is due back to the library on the 22nd of February, so I need to carve out time to read some more. I also have the book club to discuss it on the 25th. 

I have not been consistent this month with my goals, but every day is a new day to start again. I did practice French for the first time yesterday. I just need to build a routine to incorporate these goals into every day, and since my work schedule has been a little all over the place, has been hard to make a consistent routine. 

I have to get ready to start the day since it is 7 am. Thank you for stopping by and reading.

Lots of love,


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Month End Review

 Hello friends,

I would have written this post sooner but I was working 12s and I did not have the time, plus I have been having sleeping issues and I was dead tired.

So, since my last post, I have been adjusting to the single life. It has been interesting. Some days I am really good, other days I am just surviving. I guess that is normal.

Well, let's get to it, shall we?

I read The Push by Ashley Audrain. It took a little bit of time to get into it, approximately 100 pages and then I was hooked. It was beautifully written, and I connected to the Blythe. The emotions are real and raw, as I have experienced a loss close to me, so I understood the emotions and the yearning that the main character was experiencing. The divide and growing apart in a relationship; this is extremely fresh to me and have experienced it myself. All in all, I would give it 4 stars. 

I did my monthly budget and I did really well. I actually came out positive, which in the past, was not the case. I have money put aside for emergencies and I am saving for Christmas, repairs, etcetera. Did I achieve all my budget goals this month? Not necessarily. I did quit my no spend challenge, as you know, I am single so my budget was rearranged and new goals came about. I did not do a cash diet, as I have been ordering my groceries online, but if my spending gets out of control, I will be making the switch. I did set my savings goals to automatic transfers, so that was positive. I did end up getting more debt, which I was trying to avoid, but I was concerned Mark would be taking the couch, so I did finance one. That is a bad word to some (finance), but I was smart about it. I was pre-approved for $1,500, but only spent $1,000 including taxes, delivery, and insurance. It was also 0% financing for up to 3 years, but I opted for 12 months. I do plan on paying it back sooner, but I have some other things to tackle. I had the most trouble with groceries, but I feel everybody struggles with the food budget. I do have to give up my Red Bulls and I will be under budget. I did receive my Employment Insurance, and I did put some away for Emergencies, so I made progress on that goal. I have picked up more hours at work to increase my income. Child care is a new expense that I have now that Mark is no longer in the picture, as well as benefits. 

My financial goals for February is to save and leave money in true expenses, fully fund the emergency account, payback little debts- which were bills from January that I did not have the income to pay because Mark and I split at the middle of the month and I had to cover the basics. I also have some furniture to buy, which is going to be fueled by my budget. I crunched the numbers, because that is what I enjoy doing, and not including an amount for child care (as I do not know how much it is going to cost), I have approximately $1,700 a month left over. I plan to save some of it and replace the things I am going to be losing when Mark moves out. 

Side note, I should tell you about my budgeting categories. My fixed expenses are rent, heat, hydro, Netflix, my cell phone, "cable", and internet. I have both my life insurance policies, Remy's RESP, my car insurance, credit card bill, personal benefits, water cooler rental, and now the couch. My variable expenses are gas, stuff I forgot, personal care, Remy, the pets, groceries, repairs, my nursing license and insurance, my plate sticker, amazon, the water bill, dining out, and fun money.

Because Mark moved out, I was behind on paying some bills, incurring more debt. But, I am happy to report that I paid it back as of yesterday. I owed hydro, heat, my credit card (I missed a payment, but my credit score was not affected), counseling. So the "little debts" have been caught up. I started February with $54, 347.29, so up $3,000 approximately (not great). I knocked it down to $53, 589.58. I am planning to reduce my debt to $53, 011.58 when I get paid Friday. It will take me approximately 2.5 years to pay it off, which I am super excited about.

As for my other goals, I was not consistent. I did not practice French every day, meditate or drink enough water.  But that is why I am excited for February, it is another fresh start to accomplish the things I set out to do. I just need to adjust and find the time to do it. 

This week's menu plan is as follows- today is take out because my grocery order is going to be late tonight, garlic butter shrimps with orzo, cheesy chicken broccoli and pasta, oven jambalaya, million-dollar spaghetti pasta bake, and shrimp fajitas.

Next week is creamy tortellini soup, beef and broccoli stirfry, scallop risotto, pasta with artichoke sauce, baked beef and bean tacos, chicken and dumplings, and sheet pan sausage and veggies.

I printed off enough blank calendars to make this year's monthly meal plans, but I need to buy ink to print off some more recipes.

This month's goals are to quit smoking, read No Exit, eat 3 meals a day, quit procrastinating, go to the gym 3x a week, drink enough water every day, meditate and practice French daily (did not do that yesterday- whoops), pay back little debts, save for true expenses, have my baby emergency fund fully funded, wash face twice a day, create a cleaning schedule and journal every day.

I will keep you posted.

Lots of love,


End of the Month

 Hey all, I hope you had a wonderful February. Spring is just around the corner and I cannot wait. I started my spring cleaning because I ha...